Mobile App Name Generator
Mobile App
Name Generator
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What is a mobile app name generator?
Some people are awesome at creating mobile apps but have trouble coming up with names for them. Developing the right name for a mobile app isn’t as easy as it looks. After all, there are many on the market already and you want a name that separates your app from other similar ones.
This is the time to consider a mobile app name generator. A mobile app name generator can simplify the process and give you a lot of options that are creative and unused. Here are a few more things a mobile app name generator can do for you.
- Helps with brainstorming ideas. You may not have a design team to throw around business name ideas. A mobile app name generator will come up with many creative ideas that spur your possibilities.
- Picks names that are great for SEO. Part of the challenge of generating app name ideas is selecting one that will be good for SEO optimization. That could involve hours of computer research if you do it on your own. A mobile app name generator with a name search tool does that for you.
- Many people underestimate the power of SEO optimization. That is because they don’t understand how it works or how it helps them. SEO optimization helps more people find your app because it places names high in search engines depending on the value of the words they use.

Be sure to get feedback when you can. Some name generators offer ways to get feedback from others working in your field or possible customers. This can be invaluable.
Make sure your name isn’t already trademarked. This is one of the best features of a mobile app generator because picking a name already trademarked or in use will present legal problems for you.
Why use a mobile app name generator?
The benefits of using a mobile app name generator are numerous. However, there are three that come to mind first.
It creates unique names.
People tend to pick names they have heard elsewhere when they try to brainstorm on their own. A generator offers more unique name suggestions.
It checks availability.
There is no use wasting time picking a name and planning a marketing campaign only to find out the name can't be used. A mobile app name generator shows only available names.
It allows for immediate registration.
Using a name generator for your mobile app not only helps you find the best name, but it will allow you to immediately buy and register the name. Doing so protects your branding and your creativity.
How to use a mobile app name generator
One of the great aspects of using a name generator for mobile apps is they are so easy to use. You can brainstorm, see the list of possible names, pick one, register it all on one screen.
The only effort from you is to pick some initial words to describe your mobile app in the search bar. The name list will also have varieties of the same name with prices listed next to it. You can also pick out your domain name and business name on the same site so it all flows together. That makes it so much easier to market.
There are many similar tools that create memorable names, like a company name generator (also known as a business name generator) and product name generators that may help too.
Starting with an idea
A good mobile app name generator can have niche generators to get specific about names that convey particular services. This can be really helpful if you have an app with a narrow focus. Some niches could be movies, travel, parking, traffic, podcast, sales, food, and games.
There are thousands of apps so it’s good to pick a name that is both catchy but instantly tells potential customers what your app does without them needing to research.
Choosing a name
Since your mobile app name will be there for the long haul, you must be selective in picking it. It needs to generate a feeling or overall tone that matches the function of the app. A gaming app may need a fun, whimsical name while a financial app requires a serious tone. The first order of business is to decide the tone you want.
Before you go to a mobile app name generator, take a moment to write down words that match the tone you desire.
Next, write some words that describe the service the app is providing. These should be words that are clear in purpose and distinctive from other similar products.
Third, write down some words that you want your future customers to say about your app. Identify what you want your brand to be, which should help generate a few brand names.
Take the list and head to the mobile app name generator. You can do some searches and narrow down your selections once it shows you options.
Tips for naming a mobile app
Guidelines exist to help mobile app creators develop the perfect name for their app. Five specific tips will help.
Don’t be confusing
You shouldn’t use names that sound like other apps or competitors. It may mean some immediate cash to do that, but having a confusing name isn’t a method for long-term success. You can still use some names that relate to other products as long as they don’t infringe on their trademark or lend to confusion with the original product.
Focus on your brand
People tend to drift from their brand because a name sounds good. Research some of the best-selling apps and you’ll find they have clear branding. You will want a name that people tie to the company producing the app and will remember.
Keep it simple
People often want to sound super-smart or overly sophisticated when they try to come up with an app name. That only leads to customers misunderstanding the app’s function. Experts say it’s best to use distinctive features of the app in the name. That is important to conversion and consumer understanding. Don’t use highly technical jargon or words with double meanings. You want those who are looking for something your app does to easily find it.
Remember, even though it may seem simple, the name will make a first impression on users.
Don’t be afraid of creativity
App names can remain simple and still be creative. Sometimes, it is just how the name is spelled that makes it distinctive. Take the app name Waze for instance. It is pronounced “ways” which identifies it as a navigation tool. Yet, the unique spelling makes it a much more interesting app.
Stay within the rules
Both Google and Apple app stores have specifics that need to be maintained. Apple’s word character limit is 255 while Google’s is 30. Experts state you should use less than 80.
Google Play Store has some features that allow you to test names on your live store traffic and by country. That is good to do research.
Think globally
Mobile applications can be sold across the world but only if they translate well. A bad translation can not only decrease sales but can also prove embarrassing. Find out how different names you are looking at translate across the globe before you pick a final choice.
Another aspect of this is to make sure your mobile app name doesn’t unintentionally cross any ethnic barriers. Some minorities are offended if a name sounds too patronizing or appears to be overly conscious of luring minorities to purchase a product.
Choosing a name your target audience likes will keep your mobile app selling and well-loved.
Building a customer base for your app
The idea of “build it and they will come” doesn’t work. You can have a great mobile app that nobody downloads. The truth is it isn’t enough to have an awesome mobile app. You also need a support system that works almost autonomously to promote your app. That takes some effort to create but works well when it’s done right.
Some ideas to promote your app include:
- Having a free trial period or a time where people can download it for free or at a reduced cost. This will get people to try it and many will keep it after the trial is over or will recommend it once they’ve tried it with a reduced cost offer.
- Promote it in blogs. Bloggers have a lot of influence and can promote your app to a wide audience. While you can write your blog on your website to promote your app, it will serve you better to have other bloggers try it and offer a review. Positive reviews will generate interest and more people using them.
- Fulfill a need. In reality, a mobile app is like any other product. It must fulfill a need currently unmet in the marketplace or do something better than its competitors. People will buy things they believe solves a problem, opens an opportunity, or makes life easier. Think about how your mobile app accomplishes this and use that idea in selecting a name. You can further these concepts as you create a branding campaign to promote your app.
- Create a complete branding campaign. You may have a great name for your app, but that is just the beginning. You need to push it into the mainstream with a logo, a catchphrase, and maybe even merchandise to keep people interested and talking about it.
The good thing about mobile app name generators is they give you quick access to do all these things. Many of the generators will steer you to those that help you pick a branding name, a domain name, and even a free logo to go with your mobile app name.
Many of these things are bundled together in a package and that makes creating a marketing and branding campaign much easier. This is a real time-saver for business owners new to the game and without a lot of technical knowledge beyond the app they created.
Registering your mobile app name
The mobile app name generator will allow you to register your name, but you will still want to trademark it. Trademarking a name will protect you and your brand as it prevents others from using it.
You can do this yourself or hire a trademark attorney to do it. You can also trademark through an online legal company using their forms.
- To do it yourself, go to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) online at
- Next, you can search through the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) to make sure your name is not already trademarked.
- Download the application and either fill it out electronically or print it out and fill it out manually. This will take between an hour to two hours to do.
- Upload or mail the application with your payment and the agency will process it. It may take six months to a year to get approved but your trademark will last 10 years. USPTO gives you a renewal option before it expires.
You can use a name without a trademark, but run the risk of using a name that is already owned by another product or app. The other risk is that someone will trademark your name, preventing you from continuing to use it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you need a website to match your app name?
Having a website to match your app’s name isn’t a requirement but it may be good branding. Even if you aren’t using the exact same name, the app’s name should tie into your overall website and company name so consumers link all of them together in their minds.
Do you have to create a blog around an app?
Many people who create apps aren’t into writing so they hate the idea of writing a blog. A blog about your app isn’t a requirement for solid marketing but it isn’t a bad idea either. Those who have trouble writing can hire a writer to ghostwrite the blog. They can also ask other bloggers to review the app or feature it in some way. Blogging produces publicity, which generates interest.
Does spelling and capitalization matter in an app name?
Little things like spelling and capitalization do matter in picking app names. Some try quirky spellings or all caps to be distinctive but do themselves a disservice. Many of those gimmicks come across as unprofessional or sketchy and discourage people from trying the app.
How do I get my app on the stores like Apple and Google?
This is an important question because this is how your app is sold and downloaded! Failing to follow the steps exactly will result in rejection.
Both platforms will look at how your application was tested. You must test it on multiple devices before submitting it. Testing allows you to find weaknesses and define strengths. Any serious weaknesses should be fixed before submission.
You must have three things before you can submit your app:
- An App ID
- A valid distribution certificate
- A valid provisioning profile
Every apple is required to have an identifier. There are two kinds and it can be either one. Those whose app uses iOS features or the iCloud will need an explicit App ID. The second type of ID is called a Wildcard App Id and that is used for building and installing many apps.
You will also need a distribution certificate, which is created similarly to creating a certification for development.
A provisioning profile must be created for iOS to put the app in the App Store. This is different from those created from the one created for ad hoc distribution.
Once that is done, you need to build your settings, and specify the appearance with icons, screenshots, and metadata. The final step is to upload the app binary.
The last step can take some time and be complicated because you must build your app on a generic device. It can be troublesome but it is required to be approved.
The positives that come out of this build are that it shows you any problems that would cause rejection, validates your app, and creates an archive.