Brand Name Generator
Name Generator
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What is a brand name generator?
Creating a brand name is a little different from creating a business, product, or blog name. They should all be interconnected, but your brand name is the foundation of all your marketing for every product, website, blog, or business you own.
The idea is to keep your branding simple and effective. You want your brand name to convey a feeling, idea, or theme instantly when people hear it.
Any business person desiring success will also want their brand name to be searchable online and have high web scores for desirability and related searches.
This is where a brand name generator works wonders. A free business name generator does all the brainstorming for you. It makes it easy for business owners or startups to plan their branding campaigns to get off to a good start.

A good brand name generator also:
- Sparks creativity for your brand name. It lists many creative business name ideas to consider and some may surprise you.
- It generates works that make great SEO keywords to use in your overall campaign.
- Provides names that are available.
- Prices are usually next to the name suggestions on the list so you can purchase and register them immediately.
- Uses algorithms to explore available domains that match your name search.
Why use a brand name generator?
It is an efficient way to jumpstart your branding campaign
You can spend weeks trying to think of the perfect brand name, which is a waste of time. A brand name generator can brainstorm ideas for you in minutes and help you find the right name. Those who aren't familiar with how to pick a great brand name will find using a brand name generator saves them a lot of stress and worry. It's like having a team of experts on hand to help you set up your brand identity. This makes it a great way for solo entrepreneurs to get started in promoting their business quickly and easily. It is a lot less expensive than hiring a marketing team too because you don't have to purchase a name and the prices of available names and packages are relatively inexpensive.
It offers creativity
Many entrepreneurs want to create a brandable name but often start experimenting with one that is more low-end silly than genuine. A brand name generator will offer creative names that project the true image you want for your businesses, websites, products, and blogs.
It checks for trademarks and availability
You can cut through a lot of red tape to find an available name. A lot of good brand names are already taken. Using a brand name generator checks availability, including domain availability.
How to use a brand name generator
There is some pre-planning you should do before you start researching on a brand name generator.
Use a search engine to look up others in your industry
This helps you see what’s already in the cybersphere and check out how they are branding themselves. Which brands speak to you? What kind of image is each portraying? Also, list some potential names that are negative that you’d like to stay away from. Ask yourself how you can distinguish yourself from the rest of the crowd.
Experiment with possible words or phrases in standard search engines
See what pops up. If the phrases you are choosing pick up on products or companies that are completely different from yours, you may want to reconsider your choices. Those types of results could be an indicator that your choices may confuse consumers.
Look at some national branding campaigns that you love the most
Analyze them for colors, logos, words, phrases. Write down what you love about them. Then write down how you can apply those principles to your business. There should be four or five ideas that you can apply to your brand.
Write down how you want others to describe your business
How do you want them to feel when they think of your brand? Decide what are the best words to convey that emotion. You should have at least five written down that express exactly what you want.
Hop on the brand name generator
It is very simple to use. You just go to the search bar and type in some of the words you wrote down for your branding. The generator will produce a list.
Sometimes, the list will be a few choices and other generators produce long lists. Some generators have niche systems where you can do more customization for your industry or separate a brand name from a small business name or product name.
Remember, your branding will encompass your entire business and needs to allow you to grow beyond one product line or one website. It needs to be able to slowly adapt as your business grows and changes.
Brand name ideas
It doesn’t stop with picking a catchy name. Choosing a brand name is just the foundation of your marketing campaign.
Many company name generators offer a host of services all from one page. Once you find your niche generator and get a list pulled, you can register the name, use a domain name generator, pick a domain name, and create a website all within a few minutes. The best brand name generators work with several reputable domain hosts to get you started immediately after picking your name.
Even after all that is done, remember that a branding campaign is a long-term effort. You may finish tasks along the way but will never stop working to promote your brand. There is always something more to do.
You should pick a brand name generator that accommodates you throughout your branding journey and has services that help as you evolve and promote your brand.
Tips to create brand names
There are many bloggers online offering tips for creating incredible brand names. All the advice boils down to a few basic ideas behind picking the perfect name.
The brand name you choose needs to have two important qualities.
- It needs to have long-standing value and not be too trendy.
- It needs to describe your brand and tone with authenticity.
You may want to consider some other things as you are picking your brand name.
- Don’t be so broad with a name that you sound like every other company. Generic-sounding names are ones people remember.
- You can be fun. Incorporating fun into a brand name makes it catchy and memorable. You can do that with alliteration or a play on a well-known phrase. You have to be careful with alliteration because your brand name must also be easy to say. You don’t want a tongue twister.
Using a play on a well-known phrase works if it sets the right tone for your brand and describes your product or service well. For instance, a country music store may like a name like Folsom Depot. Everyone equates the word Folsom with Johnny Cash so it could work.
Brand names cover seven categories
Evocative names
Creative options that use a metaphor or suggestive phrase to position the brand. They allow you to tell a great story but are subject to interpretation. Names like this include Apple, Greyhound, and Nike.
Lexical names
Take on things like puns, alliteration, and misspellings to make a brand memorable. Some examples of this are Krazy Glue, Sizzler Steakhouse, Dunkin’ Donuts, and Tumblr. You can combine two or three name categories to create a unique name. A custom car shop owner in Las Vegas named his business Counting Cars. It is a play on the gambling phrase “counting cards.”. Plus, the owner has the nickname of “the Count” so it is now an iconic name people associate with beautiful, customized cars.
Descriptive names
Work well for many brands because it tells what they do. Names like YouSendIt and Priceline tell people what they provide with little effort.
Acronymic names
Initials that create a brand synonymous with the product. Examples include MTV, UPS, and IBM. The key to an acronym name is it still must mean something when each word is written out and the formal name must still describe the business or product.
Geographical names
Identify the product or business with a place. The place denotes a feeling for the brand. California Pizza Kitchen, Mutual of Omaha, Omaha Steaks, and New York Life are examples.
Invented names
Some of the most interesting because they sometimes become a part of our vocabulary to describe the action or service associated with it. For instance, people now say they are going to Google something to mean they are going to use a search engine. There are more search engines than Google but the phrase has taken on a verb meaning. Xerox is a specific type of copier but now it refers to any type of copying.
Founder names
Refer to the owners of the business. This isn’t always a good idea because new business owners may not become the icon as others like Ralph Lauren and Ben and Jerry’s. If you want the founder’s name to become iconic, you have to set for a long-term branding campaign to get there.
How to develop a branding campaign
Branding campaigns can be divided into developing the concept and executing the brand. There are four steps to developing a branding campaign.
- Understand your business
- Understand your target audience
- Create resources
- Manage your branding
Each element is an important step to creating your brand campaign. Understanding what you provide, what your competitors have, and what your customers look for are all important foundations for developing your brand.
The three questions that help set people up in their branding are:
- What problem are you solving?
- What are others doing to solve it?
- How is your business different from all the others in solving the problem?
What to do to claim your brand name
You will need to register the brand name you like once you find it in the generator. Generators have step-by-step instructions on how to do that and will also guide you to set up a website and blog, select a business name or a product name. However, registering it online doesn’t mean it is trademarked. You will also need to trademark your branding.
Trademarking a brand name is done through the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website at
Use the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) to ensure no one else has trademarked the brand name. This system only allows the registration of unique names, which is why name availability is so important.
Fill out the application available on the site and either upload it electronically or mail it in. Payment must accompany the application for the office to process your request.
It may take six months to get any response from the USPTO and it could take a year to gain approval. However, the trademark is good for 10 years and you will get a renewal notice before it expires.
Most branding experts say you should trademark your brand name as soon as possible because you don’t want others to grab it when you are planning your entire marketing around the branding name.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does my brand name target desired audiences?
A solid brand name will target the right audience if it instantly conveys your product, service, or emotion associated with your branding. For instance, a name like TravelLite attracts travelers who don’t want to check bags at the airport or pick them up at baggage claim. Food companies will put their niche food in the name to get those who want that food, such as Burger King.
How do I promote my brand name?
The main thing to remember in promoting your brand name is to get it out to the public. That may lead to brochures, business cards, direct mail, ads, and commercials. It takes at least multiple views for someone to remember a name so the more people see it, the better they will remember it.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using my name as a brand name?
There are pros and cons to using your own name as a brand. It works well if you are already established in a particular industry and now you are launching on your own. It won’t work as well if you aren’t known.
However, using your name can be effective if your overall branding plan includes making your name synonymous with your product or business. It can be detrimental if something happens that hurts your personal reputation or changes your life situation. Things like divorce, an IRS scandal, or defamation from a troll can hurt your business indirectly because your name is associated with your business. Any personal negativity will come up on search results.
Another thing to consider when using your great name as a brand is what your social media posts already reflect. People will look you up on social media and your business may have a negative impact if you have past posts that could be controversial or negative.
What are the next steps after I find a brand name?
You will need a logo, a flagship term, a motto, a website, and a plan to market all of it. Many generator tools offer these services or other name generators for free or low-cost as part of your registration package. You can also get many of these things cheaply by finding marketing experts and designers on freelance websites like or